Alexandria Council Forbids Manifestations in Popular Rally Area before Opposition Event

The local council of Alexandria, the seat of Teleorman county, decided on Friday to forbid public manifestations in front of its Community Center, a popular spot for protests, and its entire downtown area, one week before the opposition Liberal Party was scheduled to hold a rally in the city.


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Alexandria Council Forbids Manifestations in Popular Rally Area before Opposition Event

The decision was taken in a special session on Friday, at the proposal of Mayor Victor Dragusin. The official argued that the measure was need because Easter decorations, including Easter bunny statuettes, will be placed throughout the city’s downtown area.

The Liberal Party’s leader in Teleorman county, senator Eugen Pirvulescu, announced after the meeting that the April 20 rally was cancelled, but the party will hold a “large-scale electoral march” instead.

“This is a grave violation of the Romanian Constitution, this hasn’t happened in the past 30 years in Teleorman and we will do a march anyway. (…) Democracy has died in Teleorman. You can’t forbid the people from holding public manifestations. I told local councilors that what they did today is very serious. It’s not in their powers to forbid public manifestations and they reasoned that the Easter Bunny is coming in front of the Community Center,” Pirvulescu told MEDIAFAX.

PNL Teleorman filed a request with the City Hall last week to authorize an electoral rally in front of the Community Center, with an estimated attendance of 7,000.

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