Debate On Codes Must Remain Technical, Not Political – Romanian Justice Min

Publicat: 30 03. 2009, 16:42
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:16

“These are issues that can be solved easily in Parliament, with the input of the specialists taking part in the debates. I think we must discriminate between the normal, democratic process of debating and improving the codes and a possible political process to stop them. I have said this before: I believe these drafts stand for more than the interest of one party or another. I believe the successful completion of these projects fulfills an important concern for justice in Romania,” Catalin Predoiu said.

The minister added that in the last two weeks a few points in the codes have been debated – the freedom of the press, abortion, prostitution, incest and the limits of punishments in the Criminal Code. “We are prepared to discuss any additional suggestion or objection to certain points in the code. I think we must avoid stopping this process on the grounds of punctual adjustments,” Predoiu noted.

Romanian nongovernment organizations are unhappy with the lack of public debate on the new legal codes and announced Monday that they may take the Government to court for breaking the law of transparency.

On Monday, the NGOs announced the official launch of the campaign “Stop the codes”. Georgiana Iorgulescu, the director of the Center for Legal Resources (CRJ) stated that the process of contentious administrative against the Government could be started this week.

Discussions on the new Codes of justice began two weeks ago in specialized parliamentary commissions. One sub-commission, led by MP Daniel Buda, will discuss the Civil and Civil procedure Codes, and another, led by MP Victor Ponta, will analyze the Criminal and Criminal procedure Codes.