Amended Romanian Labor Code: Temps May Be Paid Less Than Permanent Workers

Temporary employees may receive a lower salary than a permanent employee on the same position, although not lower than the guaranteed minimum wage, says the latest draft of Romania's amended Labor Code, obtained by MEDIAFAX.


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Amended Romanian Labor Code: Temps May Be Paid Less Than Permanent Workers

The draft amendment put up for public debate in December 2010 said the salary of a temporary worker may not be lower than that of a permanent employee doing the same or similar work. The latest draft says "the salary earned by a temporary employee is set through direct negotiation" between the two parties.

The draft Labor Code provides new employment conditions, aside from the currently regulated indefinite and limited term contracts: temporary work, split shift work (part-time), work-from-home and apprenticeship.

A period of temporary work may not be longer than 12 months, but may be extended, under certain conditions and only once, up to a total of 18 months.

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