Employees working the first shift agreed to resume work at 1.00 pm, and employees working the second shift will start word according to their regular schedule, starting at 3.00 pm, union leader Nicolae Pavelescu said.
"We had a very hard time negotiating and employees were consulted today about the management’s latest offer. Some agreed, others didn’t, but there is a majority of over 70% of people who agreed with the proposed raise. Under these circumstances, we decide to resume work and end the general strike”, Pavelescu told reporters.
The plant’s communication manager, Liviu Ion, said he is happy with the result of negotiations and said he “confidently” expects the new collective labor contract to be signed.
"Negotiations were tough indeed, the strike lasted three weeks. I think the management has done its duty and was open to talks and employees decide today to accept the latest offer,” Ion said.
Ion added the management has not yet calculated the losses caused by the strike.
Thursday night, Dacia management proposed a raise of a gross RON360, in two tranches, and the granting of an annual bonus of at least RON900, in proportion to each employee’s salary.