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Romania’s Interior Ministry To Scrap Over 1,225 Jobs And Save RON75M A Year

Romanian interior minister Dan Nica said Wednesday, after the weekly government meeting, that the reorganization of the Interior Ministry implies cutting 1,225 jobs, which would save RON75 million in wage spending a year (EUR1=RON4.2239).
Romania’s Interior Ministry To Scrap Over 1,225 Jobs And Save RON75M A Year
12 aug. 2009, 16:49, English

The reorganization within the ministry includes the merging of the National Institute for Administration with the National Agency of Public Servants, the National State Reserves Administration with the Central State Office for Special Problems and of the National Institute for Personal Identification Data with the National Centre for the Management of Databases of Citizens.

“There are institutions that have similar profiles and thus they will function together,” the minister of interior said.

The most recent reorganization, which took place in spring this year, led to the cutting of 35% of jobs and 20 general directorates were reorganized at the time.

The Romanian Government decided to reorganize 226 government agencies and leave only 107, by scrapping 9,200 jobs and directing their revenues to the state budget, which would translate into total savings of EUR150 million.