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Romanian Health Ministry Might Ban Public Gatherings To Prevent Spread Of AH1N1 Virus

Romanian Health Minister Adriean Videanu said Thursday the health committee led by secretary of state Streinu Cercel is analyzing the possibility to issue an order to forbid public gatherings to avoid a spread of the AH1N1 virus.
Romanian Health Ministry Might Ban Public Gatherings To Prevent Spread Of AH1N1 Virus
29 oct. 2009, 16:24, English

„The committee within the Health Ministry which is led by secretary of state Streinu Cercel is analyzing this possibility,” said Videanu.

Videanu rejected the accusations of former Health Minister Ion Bazac that the ministry took no measure to prevent the spreading of the AH1N1 virus, and said he did nothing else than continue what Bazac had started.

Bazac said Thursday the Health Ministry representatives have been „too passive” in preventing a spread of the AH1N1 virus, adding the ministry might propose public gatherings be limited.

Bazac told a news conference the Government and the Health Ministry did not take all the requested measures to stop the spreading of the AH1N1 virus, which led to an alarming increase of swine flu cases.

Bazac added the Health Ministry has already set a plan to prevent infections with the virus, but the interim Government failed to carry it out.