Romanian Govt Accounts For Recent Public Service Decentralization Measures

Publicat: 24 04. 2009, 15:18
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:19

According to the substantiation note of the ordinance amending proceedings on managing positions of decentralized services in Romania, failure to adopt urgent measures in this respect, would seriously affect the process aiming to improve the activity of decentralized services within ministries and all other structures of the public central administration.

The government also pointed out in the substantiation note that these measures must be applied immediately, considering they actually complete the anti-crisis measures and target to reorganize and render public spending more efficient in an attempt to minimize a wide range of costs.
The Executive also stressed that the governing process entails administrative, economic and political authority for the purpose of tackling problems at all levels.
The ordinance stipulates managing positions in such structures, namely executive managers and deputy executive managers, are to be eliminated within 32 days after the publication in the Romanian Official Journal on April 23.

Under the new provisions regarding decentralized services, the authorities will set up new positions of coordinating manager and deputy-coordinating manager, to be assigned based on a management project for a period of up to four years.

The evaluation of candidates and management projects will be performed by commissions created by the main loan contractor, formed of specialists, commissions that will have to include representatives of the prefecture in the county concerned.
The evaluation criteria for the candidates and management projects will be established in accordance with specific activity by each loan contractor and will be communicated to candidates upon the unfolding of evaluation.