Romania Ups Swine Flu Medicine Stock To 460,000 Doses
"At the moment we have the capacity to treat 460,000 people with antiviral medication. It is a stock updated today (Sunday) hat suffices for the current situation. Obviously, if need be, we will increase this reserve. Moreover, Romania has the ability to unfold the production of vaccines within three months from the identification of the virus type. I could also say that Romania is one of the eight European countries with the ability to create antiviral vaccines, the other countries being France, Great Britain, Holland, Switzerland, Italy, Germany and Hungary," said the health minister in a press conference.
According to the latest data from the National Infectious Diseases Center, there are no suspicions of contamination with the AH1N1 virus.
The dignitary added that, in the latest meetings, the Ministry of Health decided to allot a stock of antiviral medicine for 10,000 people in categories with a high degree of exposure, such as doctors and diplomatic staff in contaminated areas.
The measure comes as an addition to the distribution of specific medication directed towards nine infectious diseases hospitals nationwide, which concluded Saturday, Bazac said.
The minister added that starting with May 2 there was an additional measure decided to organize 24 hour service at the Center for the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and at the Office for Health Events and Early Alert within the Bucharest Institute for Public Health.
The health minister also said in the near future there will be a campaign for the information of the population, aimed at preventing contamination as well as supplying knowledge on the symptoms.