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Romanian Deputies Tacitly Pass Bill Allowing Voluntary Soldiers To Serve Until 50

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies tacitly enacted Tuesday a bill that sets retirement age from the military at 50 for voluntary soldiers and sergeants, despite lack of endorsement from the Chamber’s committee for defense.
Romanian Deputies Tacitly Pass Bill Allowing Voluntary Soldiers To Serve Until 50
13 apr. 2010, 15:57, English

The committee for defense drafted a negative report on the bill because President Traian Basescu recently promulgated a law stating people aged 18 to 45 may be recruited and hired as volunteer soldiers, thus extending the age limit initially set at 40.

The Chamber was supposed to debate and hold a vote on the bill by April 8, but it didn’t, so the bill has been approved tacitly. However, the Senate needs to give the final vote on the bill.