Banks In Romania Either Revive Lending Or Shut Dn – Fincl Analyst

Publicat: 13 11. 2008, 16:32
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:07

"In the next period, banks will have to either pay part of their employees’ salaries and shut down, or to resume somehow their lending activity. Even though we hear that the banks in Romania have no problems, they ceased their lending activity for both  individual and corporate clients,” Cabat said during a seminar on financing start-ups.

On the other hand, the entrepreneurs should rely on their own funds if they want to start a business in Romania, in the current economic environment, he added.

"There are industries that report high performances when the economy faces problems and others that go well when the economic indicators are up. There are economic sectors that hold out in front of a lower purchase power. Small companies may be successful even in industries that go down in recession periods, because they do not rely on high market shares," Cabat said.