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Romanians Pay Near EU Average For Clothing, Less For Food

The prices of clothing, consumer electronics and personal transport equipment in Romania are close to the European Union average, but Romanians pay less for food, drink, tobacco, restaurant meals or hotel stays.
Romanians Pay Near EU Average For Clothing, Less For Food

The price level for consumer goods and services was 59% of the EU average in Romania in 2010, nearly the lowest in Europe, according to a report published Tuesday by Eurostat. The price of food and non-alcoholic beverages is 67% of the EU average, while the price of alcohol of tobacco is 64%.

This means Romania has the cheapest food in the EU, except for Bulgaria, where these prices are 66% of the EU average. Romania and Bulgaria also have the lowest prices on alcohol, tobacco, restaurants and hotels.

In Romania, clothing costs 94% of the EU average, while consumer electronics can be bought for 96% of the EU average. Personal transport equipment, like automobiles, cost 88% of the average, slightly lower because of consistent sales from domestic production.

Bulgarians pay a bit less than Romanians, with a price level of 51% of the EU average.

In Poland and Lithuania, this index is 63%, in Hungary – 65%, in Latvia – 69%, in Slovakia – 71%, in the Czech Republic – 72% and in Estonia – 75%.

The highest prices can be found in Denmark (143% of the EU average), followed by Finland (123%), Luxembourg and Sweden (120%), Ireland (118%), Belgium and France (112%), Austria (107%), the Netherlands (106%), Germany and Italy (104%). Prices in the United Kingdom are the same as the EU average.