Romanian PM Says Democrats’ Protejes Block Bucharest Traffic

Publicat: 22 11. 2007, 11:54
Actualizat: 05 11. 2012, 16:16

Tariceanu said construction companies favored by democrats monopolize infrastructure works in Bucharest without having the technical capacity needed to complete the works on time. He added he would ask the country’s public procurement monitoring agency to look into contract attributions.

The liberal Prime Minister also said he would push for legal amendments to prevent companies that infringe contractual clauses from making other deals with the state.

"The honorable asphalt kings should step back and stop biting off more than they can chew," Tariceanu said, hinting at the lack of measures taken by Bucharest’s general mayor, democrat Adriean Videanu.

Tariceanu also apologized to Bucharest drivers for the loathsome traffic they endure daily.

"Although I am not the mayor of Bucharest, I would like to apologize for the traffic in Bucharest," Tariceanu said, hinting at the lack of measures taken by Bucharest’s general mayor, democrat Adriean Videanu.

The Prime Minister said the passage opened Wednesday is the result of the work of the ministry of Transports, which pressured the construction company to complete the works.

"The work is contracted by the Ministry of Transports, not the mayoralty. I asked the former transports minister, Gheorghe Dobre (democrat – e.n.), to urge completion of the works, but he was moving at such a remarkable speed, that I decided to sack him,” Tariceanu said.