Anti-Gay “March For Normalcy” Held By Far-Right Group In Romanian Capital

Around 150 people took part Saturday in a “march for normalcy,” organized by Romanian far-right organization Noua Dreapta in protest to the annual gay pride parade GayFest, scheduled to begin at 5 p.m. local time in Bucharest.


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Anti-Gay “March For Normalcy” Held By Far-Right Group In Romanian Capital

The march started at 11.30 a.m. from the Romanian Athenaeum. Participants carried national flags and banners depicting the organization's symbols, and chanted slogans such as "We want normalcy, not diversity" and "Romania is not Sodom." The rally came to a peaceful end at Dealul Mitropoliei, the headquarters of the Romanian Orthodox Church Patriarchy.

Around 70 members of Noua Dreapta marched through the center of the western city of Timisoara, in solidarity with their colleagues in the capital. Carrying national flags and black banners, they chanted "Save the traditional family." The rally lasted from 1 p.m. until 2 p.m., coming to an end at the Metropolitan Cathedral, without incident.

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