Anti-NATO Militants Lease Space In Bucharest Factory To Protest, Security Intervenes

Romanian security forces intervened on Wednesday at 14:00 local time to evacuate the 50 anti –NATO militants who had leased a space in the Timpuri Noi Factory in capital city Bucharest.


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Anti-NATO Militants Lease Space In Bucharest Factory To Protest, Security Intervenes

The police officers took into custody ten German militants.

The Anti-NATO militants, who have leased the space inside the Timpuri Noi Factory in Bucharest for two weeks, might be evacuated on Wednesday even though their contract is valid until the beginning of next week.   

Some 50 protesters, both Romanians and foreigners, say they have a legal lease contract signed with the factory. However, the plant’s management asked that they be evacuated.

The protesters paid an approximately RON2,800 to lease the space until Monday, April 7.

The militants painted banners with peaceful messages such as “Stop the war-Stop NATO.” However, security guards forbade militants to get in or out of the factory and the latter said that if they are not allowed to carry on with their activities, they will go out and protest in the streets. 

On Monday, an open letter was made public on an anarchist internet site addressed to “simple Romanians” and forwarded by “Berlin anarchists” in which they ask Romanians to join them in the anti-NATO movement and in which they ensure Romanians of their presence in Bucharest.

The people who wrote the document assumed the statute of “serious opponents of those that aid the NATO wars.”

The NATO summit starts Wednesday in Bucharest with a working dinner of the Alliance heads of state and/or governments at the Romanian Cotroceni presidential palace.

The summit, the largest reunion in the history of the North-Atlantic Alliance, will be attended by 60 heads of state and government.  


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