Anticorruption Prosecutors Close Inquiry Regarding Technocrat Interior Minister

Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) announced on Tuesday that they closed their inquiry in a case where former technocrat Interior Minister Petre Toba was suspected of favoring a culprit.


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Anticorruption Prosecutors Close Inquiry Regarding Technocrat Interior Minister

The DNA prosecutors announced that they could not find any evidence that suspected offences took place.

The former minister was accused of refusing without to declassify documents necessary for a different probe into the previous interior minister, Gabriel Oprea, thus aiding him in that probe.

However, investigators found that the refusal was based on a response to the request received from the Presidential Administration, which denied the declassification of the files.

Gabriel Oprea was arraigned under the accusation of abuse of office, regarding dubious spending from the budget of the ministry’s Department of Information and Internal Protection.

Petre Toba resigned as minister in September 2016, following the beginning of the DNA probe.

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