Anticorruption Prosecutors Request Documents Regarding Ruling Party Subsidy Spending - Sources

Prosecutors from Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) have requested the country’s Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) to hand over several documents regarding party subsidies granted to the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD), official sources told MEDIAFAX.


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Anticorruption Prosecutors Request Documents Regarding Ruling Party Subsidy Spending - Sources

According to the sources, DNA launched a probe into the allocation and use of AEP subsidies for the social democrats.

The requested documents contain information on how the state subsidy for the ruling party was set and allotted in 2017, but also verification reports on how PSD spent the grants in 2017 and 2018.

The Romanian Parliament is currently in the procedure of appointing a new chief for the electoral body, after previous chairman Daniel Barbu resigned this week in order to run in the upcoming MEP elections.

PSD decided on Tuesday evening to support party treasurer Mircea Draghici for the role.

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