Prime Minister: Minimum Wage Will Not Be Raised In November

Publicat: 24 10. 2018, 13:31
Actualizat: 12 09. 2019, 16:29

“There is no way it will happen starting with November 1. I spoke with the unions. We will see if it is opportune for December 1 or January 1,” Dancila said when asked about the possibility of raising the minimum wage.

The Romanian chief of cabinet added that she was in favor of a tiered minimum wage in accordance with education, stating that it was not a discriminatory measure and that it was applied in other EU member states.

The Labor Ministry’s document on subject proposed raising the national gross minimum wage to RON2080/month, with a special rate of RON2350/month for jobs which require higher education or for employees with more than 15 years’ worth of labor experience.

Dancila also said that she did not agree with a document sent by Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici to EU institutions which contained the measure of freezing state wages in 2019.