Romania To Issue Electronic Identity Cards As Of Feb 1, 2011
According to the Inspectorate, it was published in the Official Journal on Monday, Law 243/2009 amending Government Emergency Ordinance no. 97/2005 regarding the registration, residence and other identity papers of Romanian citizens, in order to amend Government Ordinance no. 84/2001 on the setting up, organization and functioning of community public services for population registration, as well as amending Government Ordinance no. 41/2003 as regards gaining and changing, through administrative proceedings, the names and surnames of private individuals.
Thus, the law brought new elements to Government Emergency Ordinance 97/2005, namely, the fact that as of July 2010, the National Registry for Population Registration (RNEP) will be reorganized at central level, namely, the community public services for population registration that will update and check related data at central level.
Furthermore, the electronic identity card is regulated as identity card and it will be issued starting February 1, 2011.
The request to issue a new identity card after the expiry date can be submitted within 180 days tops, but not sooner than 15 days prior to the expiry date. Temporary identity cards will be issued for minimum 30 days and maximum one year.
In addition, local and county councils can directly coordinate the activity of community public services for population registration.