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Romanian Unitary Wage Law To Include Seniority, Loyalty, Confidentiality Bonuses In Basic Wage

Romanian Labor Ministry state secretary Valentin Mocanu said Thursday that basic wages in the public sector will include general bonuses such as those for seniority or confidentiality, and other bonuses will be granted separately depending on budgets.
Romanian Unitary Wage Law To Include Seniority, Loyalty, Confidentiality Bonuses In Basic Wage
28 mai 2009, 15:00, English

The state secretary made the statement after a meeting of the working group drafting the single and unitary wage law in the public sector.

In his turn, the head of the national federation of unions in the public administration, Romel Neagu, explained that basic wages will include seniority, loyalty and confidentiality bonuses, while other bonuses would be granted separately, depending on the state budget.

The executive president of the Publisind federation, Emilian Marian, said management positions won’t consider seniority but performance.