Arad: 20 migrants from Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Palestinian territories hidden in a truck, captured

Border police officers in Arad have discovered inside a truck loaded with textile rolls 20 foreign citizens, who were trying to leave the country illegally at the western border.


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Arad: 20 migrants from Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Palestinian territories hidden in a truck, captured

On Monday morning, at Nădlac II - Csanadpalota Border crossong, in Arad county, a Turkish citizen, aged 50, appeared at the wheel of a truck registered in Turkey. The driver was transporting textile rollers from Turkey to Poland.

Border policemen controlled the truck and in the cargo compartment they found, among the freight, twenty people.

The persons concerned are citizens of Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Palestinian territories, 17 men and three minors, asylum seekers. It has also been established that adults are aged between 18 and 37, the minors between 13 and 16 years old and intended to reach western Europe.

The driver is being investigated for migrants trafficking. The 20 migrants are investigated for attempt to illegally cross the state border.

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