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Romanian Govt Approves Bill Eliminating Govt Inspectors

Romania’s Government approved a bill Wednesday evening eliminating the position of government inspector and people filling such positions are to be transferred into a reserve body.
Romanian Govt Approves Bill Eliminating Govt Inspectors
Oana Gavrila
10 feb. 2011, 09:54, English

The bill has been sent to Parliament to be debated with urgency, said Government spokeswoman Ioana Muntean.

The Government currently has 77 government inspectors and their salaries and other expenses amounted to nearly 5 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2568) last year.

MEDIAFAX presented end-last year a bill eliminating the position of government inspector will be eliminated from the category of high public servants and transferring people filling such positions to a reserve body from where they could occupy executive positions.

Under the bill, the article in the current statute of public servants that includes government inspectors in this category will be repealed. Employees filling such positions are to be transferred into a reserve body managed by the National Agency for Public Servants.

The bill sets that employees in this reserve fund that previously occupied positions of high public servants or management positions in administration can be redistributed in management or executive positions.

The bill bans public servants from being part of management structures of political parties or organizations.