Romanian Govt OKs Pwr Producers To Use Coal, Fuel Oil From State Reserve
Some of these power producers include Termoelectrica, Electrocentrale Bucuresti, RAAN as well as the three power producers Craiova, Turceni and Rovinari.
Romania’s coordination commission for natural gas supply safety declared Monday state of emergency due to low temperatures.
This state of emergency entails the suspension of gas supply to certain companies and the use of alternative fuel by thermal energy producers.
The measure was requested by officials with state-owned gas pipeline operator Transgaz (TGN.RO), due to difficulties in supplying gas to consumers.
People close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Monday the Romanian Government plans to use fuel oil stocks in the state reserve to supply alternative fuel to companies.
Romania is affected by a cold front sweeping Europe and average temperatures in the country are at minus 18 degrees Celsius.