ECHR: Romania Failed To Adequately Address Issue Of Stray Dogs
In the suit brought to the Court by Georgeta Stoicescu, now deceased, and continued by her husband, Goergel Stoicescu, the Romanian state has been found guilty of violating article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, regarding the right to private life, and article 6, regarding the right to court.
According to a press release issued Tuesday by the Court, the state must pay the woman’s husband EUR9,000 in compensation.
The plaintiff argued that the local authorities had not taken the necessary measures to solve the problem of the large number of stray dogs in Bucharest, and to ensure the safety and well-being of the city’s inhabitants.
She also complained that two civil suits against the Bucharest City Hall were dismissed by the Romanian courts, which said she had not paid the legal fees for her requests.