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Romania Is EU’s Second-Most Corrupt Country – Transparency International

Romania is no longer the most corrupt country in the European Union as in 2007, according to the most recent corruption perceptions index published Tuesday by Transparency International, which has Bulgaria filling that top spot.
Romania Is EU’s Second-Most Corrupt Country - Transparency International
23 sept. 2008, 14:08, English

However, the 3.8 index Romania scored (on a scale of 0 to 10) is not ground for joy, according to officials of Transparency International Romania, considering that Romania’s score increased a mere 0.1 points compared to 2007, and the switch of places with Bulgaria is due to the fact that Bulgaria’s index dropped half a point in the same interval.

"It’s as if a sick person’s temperature dropped to 39.7 degrees from 39.8 degrees, in which case that person is still far from healthy,” Transparency International Romania leader, Victor Alistar, told a press conference Tuesday.
On a global level, Romania ranks 71 out of 180 analyzed countries. The countries perceived are Denmark, New Zeeland and Sweden with 9.3 points, followed by Singapore with 9.2, Finland and Switzerland with 9, Iceland and the Netherlands with 8.9, and Australia and Canada with 8.7 points.
The most corrupt countries are Somalia with one point, followed by Myanmar and Iraq with 1.3 points.