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Several Investors Interested In 3rd, 4th Nukes JV – State Secretary

Several companies are willing to invest in the company that will further build the 3rd and 4th nuclear reactors at Romania's sole nuclear power plant in Cernavoda, the secretary of state with the Economy Ministry Tudor Serban said Thursday.
Several Investors Interested In 3rd, 4th Nukes JV - State Secretary
28 mai 2009, 14:41, English

"There are investors who want to take part, besides the companies already involved, in the construction of nuclear reactors 3 and 4 at Cernavoda nuclear power plant, and they are willing to take similar stakes as the others," Serban said at the Mediafax Talks about Energy conference.

Serban also said that some Russian companies aim to hold a stake in this project, but the authorities are not currently willing to cede part of the 51% stake.

Romania, through Nuclearelectrica, owns a 51% stake in EnergoNuclear – the company that will build the 3rd and 4th nuclear reactor -, Czech CEZ, Electrabel (part of Belgian-French group GDF Suez), Germany’s RWE and Italy’s Enel each have a 9.15% stake, while Spain’s Iberdrola and ArcelorMittal’s Romanian unit have each a 6.2% stake.

Serban added that many other companies want to take part in building the second nuclear plant in Romania, whose construction may start in the near future.

"Things will go faster, we try to start the construction in parallel with Cernavoda (groups 3 and 4 – e.n.), and abandon the CANDU-type technology," Serban said.

Serban said the project of the second nuclear plant, which consists in selecting an advisor and finding a location, will start in autumn and envisages the counties Mures and Sibiu as locations.

"These two counties have the biggest chances," Serban said.

Romania’s existing nuclear power plant at Cernavoda has two 700-megawatt reactors, which provide around 18% of the country’s power needs. Another two reactors are planned to become operational by 2015-2016.

Economy Minister Adriean Videanu said Tuesday that Romania’s second nuclear power plant will be located in the central part of the country, in Transylvania area, and the construction works will start in autumn. Some of the largest European power groups had already expressed an interest in its construction, including from Russia.