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Romanian FM Confirms National Killed In Bolivian Shootout

The Romanian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday said it received official confirmation that one of the three people killed by Bolivian police in a shootout last week was indeed of Romanian origins.
Romanian FM Confirms National Killed In Bolivian Shootout
21 apr. 2009, 14:54, English

The ministry said it carries out talks in view of having Romanian-Hungarian national, Arpad Magyarosi, repatriated.
Romania’s embassy in Lima, in charge with the country’s affairs with Bolivia, requested clarifications regarding the incident, but the authorities in Bolivia are yet to send an official reply.
Bolivian police raided an hotel in eastern city of Santa Cruz last week, killing three people and
Three people, included Arpad Magyarosi, died and two others were arrested last week following a police raid in Santa Cruz, eastern Bolivia.
The two other men killed in the shootout were Hungarian Eduardo Rozsa Flores and Irish Michael Martin Dwyer.
Bolivian police said they “foiled a plot to kill” President Evo Morales.