Romanian Crying Baby Dies After Being Struck By Tired Father
The incident occurred Sunday morning, around 08:00 local time. Approximately one hour after he struck the baby, the man called an ambulance.
"This morning we received a call from a man who told us he struck his baby and now the baby isn’t moving. We went there and noted this was an eight month old boy who ahs passed approximately one hour before our arrival. The baby had several severe injuries to the head. The father told us the baby was crying and he struck him," said dr. Mihai Polinschi, manager of the Galati County Ambulance Service.
According to the quoted source, the man was taking care of the baby alone, as the mother had left to work abroad.
The same source added a police unit went on site to start investigations.
"The father confessed he couldn’t rest because of the crying and he slapped the baby twice. At this time we cannot say if the baby died because of the strikes or for pathological reasons. We are waiting for the coroner’s report," said Cristina Tatulici, spokesperson for the Galati County Police.