Senate Chairman To Visit South Korea For 10-Year Strategic Partnership Anniversary

Publicat: 30 10. 2018, 13:10
Actualizat: 02 04. 2020, 06:44

The visit was approved on Monday by the Senate’s Standing Bureau, and follows an invitation made by South Korean president Moon Hee-san.

According to the internal memorandum adopted by the Standing Bureau, the delegation will be comprised of members from all political groups in the Senate, but also of businessmen and representatives of local authorities from areas with industrial parks, with the aim of attracting investments “inclusively in the context of the relocation of Korean companies post Brexit”.

Alongside Tariceanu, other Senate members confirmed to take part in the delegation are PSD Senators Nicolae Avram and Gheorghe Marin, the ALDE Senate group leader Daniel Zamfir, liberal Senator Ioan Cristian, Hungarian minority senator Fejer Laszlo-Odon and USR Senator George Maurissi.

The delegation will also be accompanied by presidential counsellors Gruia Jacota and Marin Oanca.