Romanian President Basescu Sends Controversial Bills Back To Parliament

Publicat: 02 11. 2010, 19:11
Actualizat: 09 11. 2012, 07:40

Both bills were recently passed by the Parliament’s lower chamber, allegedly „by mistake.” One sets the VAT on basic foods, such as bread, milk, meat, sugar and vegetable oil, at 5% instead of 24%. The other bill exempts pensions lower than 2,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2848) from income taxes.

Basescu argued that the effects of both bills would be lower budget revenue and, consequently, a growing budget deficit, which would stray outside the government’s targets for this year and the next (6.8% and 4.4%, respectively).

In addition, the President said, changing the value of the VAT so soon after it was increased to 24% would entail a loss of fiscal and legislative predictability, as well as cost Romania the trust of investors and its credibility before the international institutions providing the country with a EUR20 billion lifeline.