Two-Day Strike In April Cost Steel Mkr AcelorMittal Galati $4-5M – Mgmt

Publicat: 20 05. 2008, 12:24
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 08:54

The management of AcelorMittal Galati said the two-day strike caused higher damages than those registered last year, when a three-day strike led to losses of $3.5 million.

"Production was affected for two or three days in most departments and we think losses stand around a few million, probable some four or five million dollars,” Kochuparampil told a news conference.

After last year’s strike, the management sued strikers to recover their losses and the trial is currently underway. The management said it will take similar measures this year.

"We’ll follow legal procedure and claim our rights, because this has been a stressful period for us. We haven’t taken any legal action yet because it took some time to assess the losses," Kochuparampil said.

Some 1,000 of the plant’s 13,650 employees went on strike mid-April. The strike was deemed illegal by the court after two days.