Romanian Station Pro TV Received The National Association Of Broadcasters’ Excellence Award

Publicat: 06 03. 2009, 10:32
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:14

Founded in 1995, the NAB International Broadcasting Excellence Awards are bestowed to licensed non-U.S. radio or television stations in recognition of their exceptional leadership in advancing the broadcast industry and the services they provide to their community and audiences.
The jury was impressed by the results of the campaigns "Stop torturing animals", "Do you know how your kid is doing?", "There is life after death" and "Romania, great deforestation", with which “Pro TV News” has proven that the program is not just a school of journalism, but also an important decision factor in the life of communities.
The campaign "Stop torturing animals" led to the passing of an animal protection law, which stipulates fines and prison terms for animal cruelty.
One of the most important effects of the campaign "Do you know how your kid is doing?” is a draft law regarding the protection of children whose parents are working abroad. The draft, which has been submitted to Parliament, obliges parents who leave Romania for longer than six months to notify social services.
"There is life after death", the campaign that showed transplants and organ donation are crucial, led to a 50% increase in the number of donors in 2008, according to the National Transplant Agency. Following the campaign, the Ministry of Health is also considering instating a Registry of Marrow Donors, as Romania is among the few countries that don’t have such a registry.
"Romania, great deforestation” warned about the dangers of excessive cutting of trees and urged authorities to take measures.
International Broadcasting Excellence Awards went ion the past years to television stations in Japan, India, Brazil, Argentina, France and Canada for social awareness campaigns regarding global warming, fund raisers for homeless people and campaigns aiding victims of natural disaster.
Founded in 1922 in Chicago, the National Association of Broadcasters represents over 8,300 television and radio stations in the United States.