Romanian PM Calls On Parliament To Set Date For No-Confidence Motion Vote

Publicat: 04 12. 2010, 13:49
Actualizat: 10 11. 2012, 08:27

„To members of the opposition in the Parliament’s standing offices I say clearly that the Government has not discarded plans to pass the education bill through the confidence vote procure and calls on the standing offices to set a date for debates and a vote on the opposition’s no-confidence motion.” Boc said, adding the Parliament’s opposition-dominated standing office cannot overrule the Constitutional Court and not allow the procedure to continue.

„The education bill needs to move ahead,” the prime minister said.
The Government sought a confidence vote in Parliament on October 28 to pass the education bill and the opposition then submitted a motion of no-confidence.

However, that motion was never debated and put to the vote as the Constitutional Court was called to issue a ruling, as the Government had pulled the bill from the Senate to try and adopt it bypassing parliamentary procedure. The Court ruled recently the Government may adopt the country’s education bill through a confidence vote in Parliament, but the parliament has continued its own adoption procedures for the bill and has not set a date to resume the confidence vote procedure.

Opposition liberal lawmakers on Monday withdrew their signatures from the motion and now the motion no longer has enough supporters to be debated and put to the vote. The Parliament’s standing offices also decided to send the education bill back to the Government together with its request for a vote of confidence to pass the bill into legislation.