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Romania To Attend The Paris Book Fair

Romanian writers Nicolae Manolescu and Eugen Negrici will attend a roundtable, organized within the Paris Book Fair, regarding their recently launched books, "Istoria critica a literaturii romane" (A critical history of Romanian literature), and respectively "Iluziile literaturii romane."
Romania To Attend The Paris Book Fair
13 ian. 2009, 21:04, English

Romania’s attendance in the Paris Book Fair, the most important event of this type in France, is organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute, in collaboration with the Romanian Ministry of Culture and the Romanian Standing Delegation within UNESCO.
The event will open on March 13 with the presentation of the bilingual Romanian poetry and prose anthology "Des soleils différents," published last year by the l’Inventaire printing house.
The volume includes fragments from the works of 14 Romanian authors: Gabriela Adamesteanu, Stefan Agopian, Linda Maria Baros, Ruxandra Cesereanu, Rodica Draghincescu, Letitia Ilea, Florina Ilis, Doina Ioanid, Florin Lazarescu, Dan Lungu, Simona Popescu, Lucian Dan Teodorovici, Florin Iaru and Stelian Tanase.
The anthology was launched in France in June 2008, within the festival "Insolite Roumanie", which took place between April and June, in 40 localities of the Normandy region. The purpose of the event was to present a record number of Romanian artists to the French audience.
On the same day, there will also be the presentation of the French edition of the book "Crase banalitati metafizice/ Banalités métaphysiques," by Alexandru Dragomir, disciple of Heidegger.
The launch of the photo album “Roumanie” (Editions Michalon, 2008), by Liliana Nadiu, will be followed by a presentation of Romanian writer Stefan Agopian performed by Eugen Negrici.
The March 14 program will conclude with a debate on Romanian literature in European context, between 1989 and 2009, a debate attended by writers Gabriela Adamesteanu and Dumitru Tepeneag, as well as critics Daniel Cristea Enache and Paul Cernat.
On March 15, the book fair will showcase an issue of the magazine Confluences poétiques, launched in 2008, which was dedicated to Romanian contemporary poets.
On the same day, the novel "Drumul egal al fiecarei zile", by Gabriela Adamesteanu, will be presented, as it has been translated this year at Gallimard and is at its fifth edition in Romania.
Also on March 15 there will be a roundtable approaching the books “Istoria critica a literaturii romane,” by Nicolae Manolescu and “Iluziile literaturii romane,” by Eugen Negrici, with the  participation of the two writers, as well as fellow writers Livius Ciocarlie and Ion Bogdan Lefter.
On March 17 the book “Revolutia Romana din Decembrie 1989 in context international,” by Ioan Scurtu, will be presented.
On the same day, actress and producer Raluca Sterian-Nathan will present her biographical book "L’Ame tatouée".