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Romanian Union Federation „Cartel Alfa” Scheduled Strike Ahead Of EP Elections

Romanian union confederation Cartel Alfa established its calendar of protests, which will include pickets, rallies and marches, union leader Bogdan Hossu said Monday during a press conference.
Romanian Union Federation
04 mai 2009, 16:15, English

The union federation’s protests will include the boycotting of national exam, rallies, pickets, a solidarity strike on June 5 before elections for the European Parliament which are held on June 7, and a “big” rally and a march from the Parliament to the Government headquarters at the end of June, Hossu said.

The union decided Wednesday to start ample protests targeting “chaotic governing and the government’s lack of real concern to fight the economic crisis and ensure jobs and decent wages”.

The union also urged the resignation of the ministers of transport, agriculture, labor, economy and education. Union leaders said the five should resign by the end of May if they continue to manage the issues of their sectors as poorly as they have so far.

Romanian teachers will be on strike Tuesday, boycotting the national exam in Romanian language and literature for seventh and eighth graders, in protest to the state budget revision endorsed by Parliament last week, which cuts investments in the education sector.