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Romania Ex-Environ Min Wants New Law To Regulate Danube Delta Bio Reserve

Romanian former environment minister, democrat liberal Deputy Sulfina Barbu, has presented a proposal to amend the law on Danube Delta’s Biosphere reservation, aiming to increase fines and clarify the reservation patrimony’s situation.
Romania Ex-Environ Min Wants New Law To Regulate Danube Delta Bio Reserve
13 apr. 2009, 20:27, English

“Environment standards are not observed, local people are disfavored and the soft sanctions call for law infringement. All these are corrected under the new draft law,” Barbu said in a statement Monday.
Barbu argued the merits of the proposal, saying the Danube Delta Biosphere reserve is managed according to legal provisions set back in 1993.
Barbu filed the proposal at the Chamber of Deputies and requested immediate debates on the act.
“These are measures that must be adopted and applied as soon as possible and so I have requested urgent debates. I want a complete, stable law,” Barbu said in the statement.