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Romanian PM Presents State Agency Restructuring Law

The government decided to reorganize its agencies after noting the number of employees has grown unjustifiably and the revenues are used for yachts, headquarters and bonuses, said Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc.
Romanian PM Presents State Agency Restructuring Law
15 sept. 2009, 19:21, English

The dignitary added the government calculated estimated annual savings of RON220 million from the restructuring of the public institutions and authorities.

According to data presented by Boc, the number of employees in central administration has grown from 159,000 people in 2004 to 218,000 in 2008, in a structure where the number of experts reaches 40-60% of the overall staff, with the rest of employees constituting technical and administrative support.

Boc also said there is no mechanism for the control of taxes and fees collected by the government authorities and agencies, and the money collected this way goes to useless purchases and outrageous bonuses.

Several Romanian governmental agencies such as the Privatization Authority, the Energy Regulatory Authority, the Foreign Investments Agency, or the Trade Registry, will have to transfer to the state budget the money collected from dues for various operations and services.

The Romanian Government decided in the Sunday meeting to change the financing regime of these agencies.

Until now, the respective agencies were fully or partially financed from own sources, namely the taxes collected for various services. From now on, though they will continue to collect those fees, the money will be transferred to the state budget.

Other state agencies whose revenues will be transferred to the government are the State Inspectorate for Constructions, the National Commission for Nuclear Operations CNCAN, the National Prognosis Commission CNP, the National Authority for Consumers’ Protection, the Romanian Agency for Foreign Investments ARIS, the Nuclear Agency, the Industry Privatization Office OPSPI etc.

Premier Emil Boc said Monday the agencies have around EUR1 billion budgets, which are were managed according to their own plans.

The Romanian Government is asking the Parliament for a confidence vote Tuesday to enact a law on education, a law regulating wages across the public sector and a law on the reorganization of government agencies and state institutions to cut public spending.

The Government accepted slightly over 120 amendments to the three draft laws it wants enacted, less than 5% of the 2,680 amendments proposed by lawmakers.

Public sector employees in educational healthcare, law enforcement and public administration are picketing the Parliament and call on the Government not to enact the unitary pay law but renegotiate it and discard plans to cut jobs in the public sector.