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CEZ Romania: Direct Gas Imports From Gazprom To Strongly Reduce Gas Prices

Direct natural gas imports might reduce gas prices by a few tens of percents and Romania should negotiate the purchases directly with Russian natural gas monopoly OAO Gazprom, Adrian Borotea, corporate affair manager in CEZ Romania, the local unit of Czech power group CEZ AS, said Friday.
CEZ Romania: Direct Gas Imports From Gazprom To Strongly Reduce Gas Prices
31 oct. 2008, 13:21, English

"We must try to discuss the gas purchases directly with Gazprom," Borotea said during an energy and environment seminar.

Borotea’s view on gas prices is different from the one of Romania’s largest gas producer Romgaz Medias.

Last week, Romgaz representatives said the direct gas imports from Gazprom would lead to only a slight decrease, meaning a one-digit price drop.

"A direct gas acquisition from Gazprom would not lead to a spectacular gas price drop. However, the major gain will be a more direct approach of the gas producer that would ensure us a higher certainty in gas supply, due to the elimination of the intermediaries," Alpar Kramer, commercial manager of Romgaz Medias, Romania’s largest gas producer, said on October 20.