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Romania’s President Deems Ctrl Bk Governor As Ideal PM

Romania’s acting President Traian Basescu said Friday on public radio central bank governor Mugur Isarescu would have been the best option for prime minister, but the current economic crisis does not allow such a move.
Romania’s President Deems Ctrl Bk Governor As Ideal PM
16 oct. 2009, 14:30, English

Basescu said he nominated the central bank governor’s adviser Lucian Croitoru as prime minister as he has „an excellent professional profile”, adding Isarescu would have been the best option though.

Basescu added that in the context of an economic crisis it is impossible to take the governor from the leadership of the central bank and assign him prime minister.

Croitoru said Thursday on private television Antena3 Isarescu supported his nomination as prime minister.

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Thursday nominated Lucian Croitoru, an advisor to the central bank Governor, as Prime Minister to replace democrat liberal Emil Boc whose Cabinet lost Parliament confidence Tuesday.