New Romanian Ministers Sworn In Before President

Publicat: 03 09. 2010, 13:35
Actualizat: 11 11. 2012, 13:13

Thursday evening, Prime Minister Emil Boc officially announced that ministers Adriean Videanu (Economy), Sebastian Vladescu (Finance), Mihai Seitan (Labor), Mihail Dumitru (Agriculture), Gabriel Sandu (Communications) and Radu Berceanu (Transport) would be replaced with Ion Ariton, Gheorghe Ialomitianu, Ioan-Nelu Botis, Valeriu Tabara, Valerian Vreme and Anca Boagiu, respectively.

The new ministers were appointed Friday morning through presidential decrees. Videanu, Berceanu, Seitan and Sandu resigned, while Dumitru and Vladescu were dismissed through presidential decrees.

Before being sworn in, the ministers had a short meeting with Prime Minister Boc. Finance Minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu said Boc asked him to take the necessary measures in order to observe the agreements with the International Monetary Fund and European Commission, and at the same time continue the Government’s efforts to increase the tax collection rate and fight tax evasion.

New Economy Minister Ion Ariton told MEDIAFAX his main priority is ensuring economic growth, in order to guarantee Romania’s development programs.

President Basescu asked the new ministers of Labor and Finance not to repeat the error their predecessors made in August, providing incentives to their own employees, „in defiance” of the public.

The president also said austerity should be the keyword of the Government’s activity and that of every Romanian in 2011 and estimated the economy would grow by 1-2% next year. He recommended solidarity and assured the Government of his support as regards taking responsibility for economic difficulties.