"The Parliament was forced to decide on an extremely sensitive matter: to apply law to a violation performed by the companies managed by the Stolojan government, or to endanger Romania’s credibility as trustworthy economic partner for the United States. In both cases, the only ones standing to lose in this situation generated by the incompetence of former prime minister Stolojan are Romanians, who are forced to pay, out of their own pockets, a debt that has ‘Theodor Stolojan’ written all over," said Olteanu, according to a press release issued by the Chamber of Deputies.
Olteanu reminds the two dignitaries that "the law on minister liability functions in Romania, and, through it, any dignitary of the Romanian state is liable for damages brought to the country, out of ill will or out of pure incompetence."
In this respect, Olteanu sent two letters, one to Atanasiu and one to Vosganian, asking the two to recover "the losses caused by the companies backed by Prime Minister Stolojan to manage a loan for Romania," contracted in 1992, worth $800,000, companies that ceased the payment of the mentioned debt.
The Chamber of Deputies rejected, Tuesday, a draft law on the repayment of $830,000 from a loan granted by the United States of America to the Stolojan government for the procurement of fiber cotton, as deputies from the National Liberal Party, the Greater Romania Party and the Social Democratic Party seriously reprimanded Stolojan, current leader within the Democratic Liberal Party.
The loan, worth $10 million was granted over a period of 30 years for the acquisition of fiber cotton from the USA, while imports were conducted through five auction winning companies, SC Romanoexport, SC Tricorom, SC Textilcotton, SC Impex Overseas Corp SRL and SC Tuvic impex SRL. These companies allegedly paid the interest to the loans contracted until 1998.
The liberals ask the National Anticorruption Department and the Prosecution Office within the Romanian High Court of Justice to establish the ones guilty for the fact that the installments were not paid on the $10 million loan contracted by the Stolojan government, since this financial error generated external public debts worth $830,000.
In reply, Stolojan said that the liberals’ attacks regarding the government loan taken from the USA indicate hard to explain demagogy and he added that the governments that ensued are responsible for the failure in debt repayment.