Almost All Romanian Tourism Units Evade Taxes – Tourism Min

Publicat: 28 08. 2009, 17:39
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:27

"We will now see, after all summer long the televisions have shown full beaches, we will hear that there hotels were at 50% occupancy, and if we ask about the labor force employed on the seaside, we will be told that there were only a few people hired, because there were no clients. Everyone is performing tax evasion, or, ok, almost everyone. This is not only happening on the bed & breakfast segment, but also at large hotels, where nobody ever knows the exact number of tourists accommodated," Udrea said.

She added the Ministry of Tourism is currently designing a system for the centralization of data where hotel owners and managers need to report data to the Ministry at a much faster pace, perhaps even weekly, so that inspections can be performed in due time.

"We are trying, without creating too much pressure on hotel owners, to determine them to enter legality," Udrea said.