Romania’s Oct CPI +0.97% In Oct, +6.84% YY

Publicat: 12 11. 2007, 10:23
Actualizat: 05 11. 2012, 16:15

But the rise was slightly lower compared with September when inflation was up 1.08% on the month.

The 1.3% rise in food prices was the main element fueling inflation in October. On the year, food prices picked up 9.52%, following a severe drought which has extensively damaged the Romanian crops.

The INS said that non-food prices were up 0.69% on the month in October, while prices for services grew by 0.98% on the month.

The Romanian central bank has set an inflation target of 3% to 5% inflation in 2007 with a midpoint of 4%. It expects inflation at 5.7% at the end of the year.