Belina Case Is An Attack Aimed At Destabilizing The State Of Law, Says Romanian Minister

Romanian Minister in Charge of European Funds Rovana Plumb said Thursday that the Belina corruption case in which she is allegedly involved is an attack aimed at destabilizing the state of law and the constitutional order.


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Belina Case Is An Attack Aimed At Destabilizing The State Of Law, Says Romanian Minister

Plumb denied that she is guilty and said that her actions were in constant accordance to the law. The minister also labeled the Belina corruption case in which she is allegedly involved as an attack targeted at the government and the Social Democratic Party, and which also aims to destabilize the state of law and the constitutional order.

Plumb also said that she refuses to resign.

Romanian prosecutors currently investigate Deputy Prime Minister Sevil Shhaideh for abuse of office and demand approval for starting an investigation against Minister in Charge of European Funds Rovana Plumb, for complicity to abuse of office in a land transfer case.


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