Ordinance On Early Repeal Of Laws “Casts Shadow” On Code Adoption – Romanian Senate Chairman

Publicat: 12 06. 2009, 14:20
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:22

Geoana added that the ordinance will attract negative feedback, both from within the country and from the European Union.

The Government will take responsibility for the Civil and Criminal Codes separately, with separate voting sessions in case of censure motions, Victor Ponta, the minister for liaison with the Parliament, told MEDIAFAX on Thursday.

Ponta said the letters to be sent to Parliament have been drafted and the standing offices of the two Chambers will decide Monday on the schedule of the Government’s assumption.

The Government decided on Wednesday to assume responsibility in parliament for the criminal and civil Codes.

Government announced it had issued an Emergency Ordinance whereby, upon adoption, normative acts can also be amended, or if necessary, annulled, prior to their coming into effect, but only based on solid grounds. The Government justified its decision by citing recent cases in which certain acts have been adopted but cannot be enforced due to the lack of necessary instruments or because they no longer reflect society’s needs.