Romanian Education Federation Urges Lawmakers To Reject Govt’s Delay On Teachers’ Wage Hike

Publicat: 29 10. 2008, 11:01
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:06


“The Federation of the Education Unions Spiru Haret, in the name of over 70,000 employees in the education system, demands the adoption of the law rejecting the Emergency Ordinance the Government adopted on October 28, which postpones until April 1 the enforcement of the law approving Government Ordinance no. 15/2008 on wage hikes to be granted in 2008 to the staff in the education system, approved by the Chamber of Deputies on September 30, 2008,” the union said in the letter.

This is the only lucrative solution to allow teachers to benefit from the wage hike adopted by the Senate and later by the Chamber of Deputies, the federation said.

"We reiterate our demand to have the law rejecting the respective emergency ordinance approved immediately, regardless of whether or not a no-confidence motion is submitted,” the letter wrote.

The federation is protesting against “the strategy used by the Government again”, to turn other social categories against teachers, parents and children especially, hoping the education unionists will give in to the pressure of the public opinion.

The leadership of the federation condemns “the attitude the Government had, to rule in a discretionary and unconstitutional manner,” by using emergency ordinances the way it pleases and block laws adopted by the Parliament.

The federation warned that it started the procedures to go on general strike, the head of the federation Gheorghe Isvoranu said in a statement.

Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu said on television station Antena 3 the government will find other solutions to block the 50% increase if the Parliament rejects the Emergency Ordinance postponing the enforcement of the law until April 2009.

The Romanian government decided Tuesday by Emergency Ordinance to postpone applying the law raising teachers’ wages by 50% until April 1, 2009.