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Romanian PM Says EU Eco-Measures Must Keep The Industry In Mind

European environment protection legislation needs to impose strict rules, but also to allow the industry to survive, without forcing companies to transfer their activities in areas where there are no eco-regulations, said Romanian prime minister Calin Tariceanu.
Romanian PM Says EU Eco-Measures Must Keep The Industry In Mind
15 mai 2008, 11:54, English

He told the prime minister of German land Bavaria, Gunther Beckstein, in talks held in Munich, that he is worried about the evolution of the European legislation for environment protection, which might strike at industrial activity in several countries through the introduction of stricter rules.

"The industry needs to have the possibility to survive. The regulations we promote must not lead to the transfer of industrial capacities in areas where there are no environment regulations," Tariceanu said.

He added the solutions to environment problems might generate social problems, since the regulations might put certain companies out of business and people out of a job.

Environment protection will be one of the main topics of the EU Council this summer, when new regulations might be introduced for the fight against global warming.