Romania’s Transports Minister Promises Improvements In Road, Tourism Infrastructures
Orban cared to point out that all transports ministers before him seemed to have forgotten about these two regions; therefore, it is very difficult to make up for lost time.
Orban said that over EUR600 million will be invested in Romania’s western county of Hunedoara, over EUR1 billion in western counties of Timis and Arad, only for the road sector, while investments in Transylvania highway will reach EUR500 million in 2008.
Orban also stressed that his ministry and the national tourism watchdog elaborated a five-year program aimed at upgrading all roads, either village, forest or county roads leading towards tourist areas, and connecting them to national roads.
“I am talking about a five-year program and I do hope that we shall see a boom in the development of certain areas with huge tourist potential,” Orban concluded.