Main Suspects In Murder Of Romanian Handball Player, Extradited To Hungary

Publicat: 20 02. 2009, 14:27
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:14

The two suspects are Raffael Sandor and Nemeth Gyozgyo.

Bente said they will be handed over to the Hungarian Police, and said that for security reasons, this will be done with much discretion.

Bente said the investigation of the murder goes on, and more suspects will be heard, but due to security reasons their number and identity will not be made public.

Cozma, aged 26, was killed on February 8 in a restaurant in Veszprem, Hungary. Serbian Zarko Sesum and Croatian Ivan Pesic, other two players of the team MKB Veszprem, were involved in the incident.

Initially, the Hungarian authorities put an all points bulletin for three suspects in the murder of the Romanian handball player, and two of them, Gyozo Nemeth and Sandor Raffael, were arrested in Austria in less than 24 hours.

The third suspect, Sztojka Ivan, turned himself in last week. Later on, the Hungarian police said it arrested other two suspects, Gabor P. and Csaba B.