Romanian Interior Min Demands 15% Share From Taxes Collected

Publicat: 25 08. 2009, 14:49
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:27

The draft emergency ordinance proposes that 15% of the taxes collected by the Ministry of Interior and meant to go to the state budget, be used by the ministry and the agencies subordinated to the ministry, so that they can complete their own budget which is insufficient at the moment.

Article 1 of the draft law establishes that "starting from the date the emergency ordinance is implemented, the Ministry of Interior has the right over 15% of the taxes collected according to the law by the institutions subordinated to the ministry, taxes that are meant to go to the state budget.”

If the law is approved, the way of allotting and spending the money will be set up by the methodological norms approved by Government decision.

The draft law will be publicly debated until September 3 on the site of the ministry – .