Romanian Timisoara Mayor Pledges To Back Social Democrat Presidential Candidate

Publicat: 01 12. 2009, 15:19
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:37

Ciuhandu said he hopes that the government which will take power after December 6 will be made up of a president who will bring Romanians together and a prime minister of national and international renown.

Antonescu referred to the Timisoara Proclamation, a document drafted in 1990, after the Romanian Revolution. The Proclamation’s best-known requirement was Point 8, which called for all former Communist Party leaders and Securitate (secret police) cadres to be banned from holding public office for a period of 10 years (or three consecutive legislatures). Antonescu said that should the Proclamation have been implemented, the country „would have been far by now,” and that should it be applied now, incumbent President Traian Basescu would be forced to leave politics for good.

The signing of the „Partnership for Timisoara” was attended by liberal and social democrat leaders, including former ministers.

Ciuhandu said recently he has decided to back Geoana because certain city projects, such as rebuilding a passage, expanding a market and the thermal rehabilitation of the city’s buildings, would receive support from central authorities.